Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why is Fundraising Important to VSO?

VSO believes in sending skilled people instead of food and money to make a real difference in the fight against poverty. VSO needs to raise £10 million each year in the UK in order to continue their vital work - working through volunteers to fight poverty in some of the world’s poorest communities.

Here is what your money can do for VSO:

£36.40 can keep a VSO obstetrician working in West Timor, Indonesia for a week, safely delivering 12 babies.

£158 can keep a VSO child health specialist teaching 33 future doctors and nurses at Mbarara University Hospital in Uganda, for one month.

£500 can train and provide initial funds to 10 HIV+ women in Mozambique to start their own business, giving them and their children income and hope.

£948 can keep a VSO doctor providing crucial treatment to reduce mother-tochild HIV transmission in Uganda for six months.

£15,142 could help VSO keep a team of irrigation officers in Malawi, aiding 3,000 smallholder farmers to produce a lifesaving crop so that 18,000 people can eat during the dry season.

Your donation does matter! Please consider supporting VSO and help me in my effort to raise funds.

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