Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Boy who inspired me

When I was in college I read this amazing story in Readers Digest about a 6 year old boy who decided that he wanted to make a difference. His story touched me and got me interested in fund raising.

Here is his story......

In 1998, when Ryan was in grade one, he learned from his teacher, Mrs Prest that people were dying because they didn't have clean water to drink. He decided that raising money for people who didn't have clean water would be a good thing. He worked for four months in order to earn his first $70. Ryan’s first well was built in 1999 when Ryan was seven years-old at a school in a Ugandan village.

Ryan’s determination grew from the $70 collected by doing simple household chores to a Foundation that today has contributed a total of 502 water and sanitation projects in 16 countries bringing clean water and sanitation services to over 621,712 people. The Foundation has raised millions of dollars.

Ryan remains dedicated to the Foundation and its work. He continues to speak passionately about the need for clean water around the world, and has visited over two dozen countries in spreading his message. He has made presentations to hundreds of schools, churches and civic clubs, and more than two dozen international conferences and global events including Rotary International and the World Water Forums. He is recognized by UNICEF as a Global Youth Leader.

When Ryan set out to raise the $70 he thought would build a well, he had no idea that his simple quest to make a difference would have the effect is has today. Ryan's story has become an example of how one single person can make a difference. It is also an inspirational real-life story that continues to impact others around the world, regardless of age, to make a difference too!

I think its time now for me to move forward from being inspired to doing. When I found out about the fundraising opportunity I thought that this would be a great learning experience and the confidence I will gain here will hopefully keep me on this path. I hope you can support me through this journey.

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