Wednesday, August 26, 2009

VSO - Education Program Outcomes

VSO works to ensure all disadvantaged children have access to good quality education.
  • In Ethiopia, two volunteers trained 254 primary school teachers. As a result, 20,269 pupils benefited from better quality teaching and drop-out rates were more than halved, falling from 1,676 to 789.
  • Out of 301 partners, 291 are contributing to this objective and 17 countries reported improvements in the quality of teaching delivered this year.
  • In Pakistan, volunteers helped reorganise and train 1,250 school management committees.
    Resulting improvements in school management delivered a 20 per cent reduction in teacher absenteeism and a 10 per cent increase in pass rates.
  • In Ghana, a local chief stopped girls being taken out of school to work as porters. This was the result of activity by women trained and supported by a VSO volunteer to advocate for girls’ education.

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